
Please allow 5-7 business days, excluding weekends and holidays, for items to ship. Orders are dispatched via USPS (US Postal Service) from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. You will receive a tracking number by email once your order has been shipped. Delivery within the USA occurs within 3-5 business days post-shipment.

If your payment was made via an e-check through PayPal, your order will be shipped only after the payment clears.

Should you not receive a tracking number within 7 business days, check your junk/spam folder before emailing us about your order. For any inquiries, please contact us via email.

After receiving your tracking number, any shipment issues or concerns should be directed to the U.S. Postal Service, as they are in possession of the order. Contact USPS at or call (800)275-8777.

In case your shipment is marked as "DELIVERED" in the tracking system, please contact your local post office for delivery issues, as we cannot address these problems. Issues such as damage, theft, or misdeliveries must be resolved through the U.S. Postal Service.

All items are custom-made and feature unique bleach patterns. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, please email me, and I will endeavor to resolve the issue.

Please note, all orders must choose Shipping as the delivery method.